St. George’s Day 2019

St. George’s Day 2019

Last week, the members of Chaparral Golf Club played the final in the four competition tournament “3 Saints & a Poet”. Between the months of February and April the competitions St David´s, The Night of Burns, St Patrick´s and St George´s have been played in an individual Stableford format.

Each event has included golf and dinner in the restaurant with a plate, typical from each region represented in the competitions.

The final competition, St George´s Day, was played last week with the players dressed in the colours of St George; red and white. Congratulations to the over-all winner Derek Guthrie. Well played!

10 Best classified
1.Derek Guthrie

2. Michael Wilson

3. Eide Joern

4. Pauline Mackie

5. Mette Mari Eide

6. Brendan Weldon

7. Keith Toms

8. Joyce Toms

9. José A Perez Sanchez

10. Caron Hillier