Chaparral Golf Marbella

Golf in Costa Del Sol 2021

Is playing golf one of your resolutions for 2021? Without a doubt if you live on the Costa del Sol it is one of the best decisions you will make this year. Golf has experienced a very important expansion in Spain during this time of Covid. It is considered a very safe sport since it

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Christmas Tournament 2020 at Chaparral Golf Club

Christmas Tournament 2020 at Chaparral Golf Club In Chaparral Golf Club we really like to celebrate Christmas, and so, last Saturday December 19, we organized our traditional Christmas Tournament under the play form Pairs betterball. A format that has been very well received by all, since it makes it easier for our players to enjoy

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Resultados Torneo Navidad 2020

Resultados Torneo Navidad 2020 / Results Christmas Tournament 2020 Clasificaciones / Classifications Torneo Navidad 19 Diciembre 2020 – Chaparral Golf Club Premios espaciales y sorteo / Special Prizes and Draw El Club contactará con las 5 mejores parejas, ganadores de los premios especiales y del sorteo para la recogida de sus premios. The Club will

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Christmas in Chaparral Golf Club!

Christmas in Chaparral Golf Club. The most magical and traditional time of the year is just around the corner – Christmas time is here! The upcoming Christmas days bring light, friendship and family unity. We usually start long before Christmas Eve with the traditional decoration of our homes and gardens or balconies. Both young and

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Marbella Golf

Mejoras y Acondicionamiento Hoyo 9

Mejoras y Acondicionamiento Hoyo 9 En virtud de nuestra filosofía de mejorar continuamente la experiencia de nuestros clientes en Chaparral Golf Club, hemos llevado a cabo importantes inversiones en la remodelación y acondicionamiento de uno de los hoyos más hermosos de nuestro recorrido diseñado por Pepe Gancedo, el hoyo 9. Este espectacular hoyo que camina

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Black Friday in Chaparral

Black Friday in Chaparral Golf Club. In our Pro Shop you will be received and attended by our specialized staff. Between November 27 and 29 we offer 30-50% discount on the most important brands on the market for both women and men. Gift surprise for all purchases over 30€! Come and visit us! Pro Shop

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Chaparral Golf Club

Improvements at Chaparral Golf Club

Improvements at Chaparral Golf Club Following our line of improvements, the Digital Department of Chaparral Golf Club has registered a new telephone number to maintain closer contact with our clients. Through WhatsApp Business, the Club will send out offers, promotions, Club news and tournament info to all our contacts. To keep updated and receive our

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New tournament in Chaparral

Don´t miss our next event in the tournament calendar on December 19 , when we organize our Christmas Tournament. It will be played in Fourball better ball format with prizes for the 5 best classified, special prizes and draw. As usual all players will receive a warm welcome with a typical Spanish broth and Christmas

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Tournament Gran Premio Ibéricos Fuente la Virgen

Tournament Gran Premio Ibéricos Fuente la Virgen Tournament Gran Premio Ibéricos Fuente la Virgen. The first edition of tournament Gran Premio Ibéricos Fuente la Virgen was celebrated on November 7 with great success and a day full of players. Despite the rain forecast, it turned out to be a typical Autumn day on the Costa

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Tournament Copa Presidente 2020

Tournament Copa Presidente 2020 Tournament Copa Presidente 2020. On Saturday, October 10, the Copa Presidente tournament was played in Chaparral Golf Club, a tournament played in Individual Stableford modality, with 140 participants. We all enjoyed a wonderful day of golf with excellent playing conditions thanks to the great condition of the course and the maintenance

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Results Copa Presidente 2020

Results Copa Presidente 2020. The Club will contact the classified and the persons with prizes from the draw. ¡Thank you to all the players for participating! RESULTS FIRST CATEGORY (0.0-17.4) RESULTS SECOND CATEGORY (17.5 – 36) SPECIAL PRIZES AND DRAW

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