Chaparral Golf Mijas

Chaparral launches its app

Chaparral Golf Club is committed to technological innovation.

Chaparral Golf Club considers its members to be one of its most important assets. In order to anticipate their needs, adapt to the latest trends in the sector and offer the best service and quality, the club has launched a new golf app to improve the communication with members.

In the new app, members will be able to access and receive information about the club’s services with a simple click on their phone. The technological improvement will make it easier and faster to book tee times, register for competitions and make purchases without having to call the club or wait to be answered. With a quick and smooth download and user registration process, all members can start using the application in just a few minutes.

If there’s one thing that sets Chaparral Golf Club’s app apart, it’s the many benefits it offers in terms of usability. All members can use the application to book their daily tee times, as well as to register for the golf tournaments the club organizes and to purchase tokens for the driving range without having to go to the Pro Shop. Every action performed via the app is sent to the user in the form of a message to his or her mobile phone, as if it were a message from the well-known messaging platform « Whatsapp ».

La aplicación, que está disponible en iPhone y Android, ofrece información permanentemente actualizada sobre la actividad diaria del club de golf, facilitando al departamento de marketing un nuevo canal de comunicación directo con sus socios. « La nueva herramienta digital que incorporamos a nuestro club nos aportará una mejora en la calidad, servicio y atención al socio de nuestro Club Social. En Chaparral seguiremos invirtiendo y confiando en los mejores proveedores de servicios para mejorar la experiencia de nuestros socios », ha explicado el director general, Domingo Gavira.

Una gran ventaja para los socios de Chaparral Golf Club es que pueden utilizar la app como canal de atención al cliente 24 horas es decir, los socios registrados tienen un canal personalizado para tratar todas sus dudas y sugerencias sin tener que llamar por teléfono, siendo un canal mucho más directo e inmediato.

What will the Chaparral Golf Club application allow you to do?

Finally, it should be noted that the application will allow each member to share their experiences and create their own community, as they will be able to add their friends, interact and invite them to their tee times. They will also be able to access all the information about the club; reciprocal golf agreements, etiquette rules, course guide, local rules, opening hours, handicap calculation, booking golf lessons with the academy and much more.