I San Miguel Cup in Chaparral Golf Club, Mijas, Málaga, Costa del Sol

I Copa San Miguel en Chaparral Golf Club

I Copa San Miguel en Chaparral Golf Club La I Copa de Golf San Miguel va cogiendo ritmo en su segunda prueba, celebrada el sábado 14 de Abril en Chaparral Golf Club, en Mijas Costa (Málaga), con gran satisfacción entre los participantes. El nuevo circuito de Gambito Golf volvió a ofrecer una jornada espectacular de

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I San Miguel Cup in Chaparral Golf Club, Mijas, Málaga, Costa del Sol

I San Miguel Cup in Chaparral Golf Club

I San Miguel Cup in Chaparral Golf Club The first edition of the I San Miguel Golf Cup is starting to take shape celebrating its second competition of the tournament in Chaparral Golf Club, Mijas Costa (Málaga), on the 14th of April, with great satisfaction among the participants. The new circuit of San Miguel offered

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