Summer Tournaments 2017
Summer Tournaments 2017 This summer your best golf in El Chaparral Golf Club
Summer Tournaments 2017 This summer your best golf in El Chaparral Golf Club
Stephen Gallacher visits Chaparral Last week we were lucky enough to have at El Chaparral Golf Club the Scottish professional Stephen James Gallacher. Stephen and his sponsor Macdonald Golf & Hotels, enjoyed a few of our course holes and took the opportunity to film some videos with tips to improve the short game and
Comprehensive Refurbishment ProShop Designed by the legendary Spanish architect PepeGancedo in the heart of the Costa del Sol, and the only layout comprising six par-threes, six parfours and six par-fives, El Chaparral Golf Club has just completed a major renovation of its pro shop under the management and supervision of Holiday Golf. As to be
Three Saints Trophy 2017 (St. David, St. George & St. Patrick) start last wednesday with first round at El Chaparral Golf Club. 30 members took place at 11.30 enjoying the super weather and the great condition of the golf course. After the game all players and guest enjoyed a typical meal of “Cawl” afterwards with
II OPEN EDITION “PA VIVI ASI MEJOR NO MORIRSE” Very rarely can we enjoy an event that reaches the level of excellence as the one that recently occurred at El Chaparral Golf Club. A day that, without a doubt, will remain in the memory of all the attendees as an unforgettable event. Thanks to the
Spring Offers 2017 Find the best deal booking online:
Winter Offer 2017 Find the best deal booking online:
Antonio Pérez wins the Andalusian Senior Tour 2017 El Chaparral Golf Club hosted yesterday, Saturday, February 11th, the celebration of the second event for the Circuito Senior de Andalucía 2017, which was attended by more than 100 players. They played 18 holes under the stableford handicap system in three gentlemen and two ladies categories. The
Come to visit us and enjoy the fantastic St. Valentine’s Day Offer 2017
The 26 of December we celebrated the 4th edition of “Chappie” Trophy Chappie was the adopted mascot of El Chaparral Golf Club members. Unfortunately he succumbed to injuries he received from a wild boar. The “Chappie” Trophy was a team event, Past captain (Nick Cripps) vs New captain (Phil Flaxman), won by new captain team,
El Chaparral Annual Members Winter Ball A wonderful Winter Ball 2016 evening was enjoyed by all members and friends. Great food, drinks and music, with everyone was dancing the night away. Golfers turned into gentlemen, handsomely dressed, and accompanied by their beautiful partners in evening ball gowns. Everyone was ready for the night of the
Urbanización El Chaparral, N-340 km 203
29649 Mijas Costa, Málaga. Spain
Golf course: 8:00 – 19.30h Monday – Sunday
Pro Shop: 8:00 – 19:00h Monday – Sunday
Restaurant: 8:00 a 22:00h Monday – Sunday
Academy: 7:50 – 23:00h Monday – Sunday